The Endowment

You Can Help Us Make A Difference

The Endowment Fund of the Masonic Home of Georgia is a perpetual trust fund for the use and benefit of the the Masonic Home of Georgia and its children.

The Home is a non-profit organization that receives no funding from the State or Federal Government. The annual budget is derived from interest income from the endowment fund, private donations, a per-capita tax (assessed to all Georgia Masons) and designated contributions.

With changing times, the Masonic Home of Georgia is dedicated in changing and the endowment fund has been and always will be an integral part in the present and future of the Masonic Home.

Creative Giving Ideas

  1. Cash, Check or Money Order
  2. Your Will, Trust or Charitable Remainder Trust
  3. Stocks, Bonds, IRA Transfers or Other Securities
  4. Life Insurance Policies
  5. Real Estate
  6. Other Plans

The above creative giving ideas are for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended as legal advice.

Your donation is tax deductible as Masonic Home of Georgia is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Photograph of a boy watching the full moon rise over water.